Nothing is more frustrating than the red and blue flashing lights popping up behind your rearview mirror. You know the lights are for you, yet you’re also positive you didn’t do a thing wrong.You didn’t blow through a light or run a stop sign. You didn’t cut anyone off and you haven’t been using your cell phone. So why are you being pulled over? A tail light not working, perhaps?When the officer approaches you, he or she asks if you know how fast you were going. You reply you were going 55, as the sign suggests. However, the officer tells you the speed limit actually changed to 25. It seems strange, because after all, how could there be such a wide drop in speed when you just saw a 55 MPH sign.
You don’t argue with the officer, so you accept your ticket, because after all, they were nice enough to write it down only going five over.Yet when you return through the same road later, you do in fact see the speed limit drops, seemingly in the matter of a hundred feet or so, in an odd spot, without much warning. Why is that? Well, the purpose of speed traps is much simpler than you may think.