Ticket Snipers

Comprehensive Guide:
How to Fight a Speed Camera Ticket in California

Receiving a speeding ticket, especially one captured by a speed camera, can be a frustrating experience. If you’ve found yourself in this situation in California, understanding your options for contesting the ticket is crucial. This comprehensive guide will delve into the specifics of speed camera tickets in California, the avenues available for challenging them, and whether the effort is worthwhile.

Article Contents:

Violation 21453 Explained

  • Vehicle Code Law
  • Types of speed camera violation
  • Type of offense
  • Mistakes that can result in a speed camera ticket

Fines for Speed Camera Violations

  • CVC 22406(a)
  • CVC 22350(b)
  • CVC 22349(c)

DMV Points for Speed Camera Violations

  • Does a speed camera violation for go on your driving record?

  • How many points do you get for a speed camera ticket in California?  

  • How long does a speed camera ticket stay on your driving record in California? 

  • How to avoid a DMV point on your driving record for a speed camera ticket in California? 

Insurance Rate Increases 

  • What happens to insurance rates if convicted of speed camera violation?

  • How can you keep insurance rates low if a ticket is received?

Challenging a speed camera violation

  • What happens to insurance rates if convicted of a speed camera violation?

  • How can you keep insurance rates low if a ticket is received for a speed camera violation?

  • Advantages of dismissing a speed camera violation

Speed Camera Violations

Legality of speed camera tickets in California

  • Are speed camera tickets legal in California?

  • Do you have to pay a speed camera ticket in California? 

  • Does a speed camera ticket go on your driving record in California?

Consequences of be convicted of a speed camera violation in California

  • What are the fees for a speed camera ticket? 

  • How many points can you get for a speed camera ticket? 

  • Does a speed camera ticket require traffic school in California?  

  • Can a speed camera ticket for go to collections if ignored?

Looking up a speed camera ticket in California

  • How do I look up a speed camera ticket in California?

Functionality of speed camera tickets in California

  • How can you challenge a speed camera ticket? 

  • Is it worth challenging a speed camera ticket?

  • Why should you challenge a speed camera ticket? 

Can You Contest a Camera Ticket in California?

The first question that often arises is whether it’s possible to contest a camera ticket in California. The good news is that yes, you can contest it. Despite the increasing use of speed cameras in certain areas of the state to enforce traffic regulations, receiving a ticket doesn’t mean you have no recourse.


Contesting a speed camera ticket involves understanding the particulars of your case and being aware of the legal avenues at your disposal. Knowing your rights and the procedures for challenging these tickets is essential for mounting a successful defense.

Understanding the Legality of Speed Cameras in California in 2023

As of 2023, speed cameras continue to be a topic of discussion regarding their legality and usage in California. It’s crucial to stay informed about the current legal landscape to better understand the implications of receiving a speed camera ticket.

Here are some key points to consider:

  1. State Legislation and Regulations

The legality of speed cameras in California is subject to state legislation and regulations. Keep an eye on any recent changes or updates in the law that might affect the use of speed cameras. Understanding the legal foundation is essential when contesting a ticket.

  1. City-Specific Regulations

While some cities in California may use speed cameras, others may not. It’s important to know whether the location where you received the ticket allows the use of speed cameras. This information can influence your defense strategy.

  1. Public Awareness and Advocacy

Public awareness and advocacy play a role in shaping the discourse around speed cameras. Stay informed about community efforts, legal challenges, or changes in public sentiment regarding the use of speed cameras. This awareness can provide valuable context for your case.

Violation Type

Fine Amount

DMV Points

Residential Speeding | CVC 22350



Commercial Speeding | CVC 22406



Highway Speeding | CVC 22349



Speeding Over 100 MPH | CVC 22348



What Cities in California Have Speed Cameras?

The use of speed cameras varies across different cities in California. As of now, some cities have implemented speed camera programs, while others have not. Here are a few examples of cities in California where speed cameras may be in use:

Los Angeles: The city of Los Angeles has explored the use of speed cameras in certain areas to address traffic safety concerns.

San Francisco: San Francisco is another city that has considered the use of speed cameras as part of its efforts to improve road safety.

San Diego: Some areas in San Diego may use speed cameras to enforce speed limits and enhance traffic safety.

It’s important to note that the presence of speed cameras can change, and new programs may be introduced or discontinued. Checking local news sources, official city websites, or contacting the local traffic authorities can provide up-to-date information about speed camera usage in specific areas.

Navigating the New Speed Camera Law in California

Understanding any recent changes to speed camera laws is crucial when contesting a ticket. As of [current year], California may have implemented new laws or regulations regarding speed cameras. Here are steps to navigate any recent changes:

  1. Check for Legislative Updates

Regularly check for updates to California’s traffic laws, especially those related to speed cameras. Legislative changes could impact the legality and usage of speed cameras in the state.

  1. Consult Legal Resources

Seek guidance from legal resources, such as legal professionals or online databases, to stay informed about recent changes in speed camera laws. Understanding the specifics of the law is essential for building a solid defense.

  1. Incorporate Legal Changes into Your Defense

If there have been recent changes to speed camera laws, make sure to incorporate this information into your defense. Understanding and referencing the current legal framework can strengthen your case.

Is it Worth Fighting a Speeding Ticket in California?

Contemplating whether it’s worth the effort to contest a speeding ticket is a common dilemma. Several factors can influence your decision:

  1. Financial Considerations

Evaluate the financial aspects of contesting the ticket versus paying the fine. While contesting may involve legal fees or the cost of time spent on the process, a successful outcome could save you money in the long run, including potential increases in insurance premiums.

  1. Impact on Insurance Premiums

Consider the potential impact on your insurance premiums. If you simply pay the fine, it could lead to an increase in your insurance rates. Assess the long-term financial implications and weigh them against the costs associated with challenging the ticket.

  1. Points on Your Driving Record

Speeding tickets typically result in points on your driving record. These points can affect your insurance rates and may lead to additional consequences, such as license suspension. Assess the potential impact on your driving record and overall driving history.

  1. Your Confidence in the Case

Evaluate the strength of your case. If you have compelling evidence, such as inaccuracies in the ticket details or concerns about the speed camera’s accuracy, it may be worth contesting. Confidence in your defense can be a key factor in the decision-making process.

  1. Time and Convenience

Consider the time and effort required to contest the ticket. If you opt for a Trial by Written Declaration, it provides a convenient way to contest the ticket without a court appearance. Assess whether the time invested aligns with the potential benefits of a successful defense.

How to Contest a Speed Camera Ticket in California

One effective method for challenging a speed camera ticket in California is opting for a Trial by Written Declaration. Unlike traditional court appearances, this process allows you to contest the ticket in writing, providing a more convenient and accessible option for many individuals. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to proceed with a Trial by Written Declaration:

  1. Review the Ticket Thoroughly

Begin by carefully reviewing the ticket. Look for inaccuracies in crucial details such as the date, time, or location of the alleged violation. Any discrepancies could serve as grounds for dismissal, and identifying them early is crucial.

  1. Understand the Evidence Against You

California law mandates that the evidence captured by speed cameras be accurate and reliable. If you believe there are issues with the camera’s calibration or if obstructions may have affected the accuracy of the readings, gather evidence to support your case.

  1. Prepare a Written Statement

Compose a well-structured written statement outlining your defense. Clearly present your arguments, including any discrepancies in the ticket details or concerns about the accuracy of the camera. This statement will serve as your defense in lieu of a court appearance.

  1. Get help from the experts at Ticket Snipers :

Not all drivers may feel confident in their ability to craft an effective defense. If you find the process daunting or want professional assistance, consider seeking help from Ticket Snipers. Ticket Snipers specialize in assisting clients with robust defenses for dismissal. Their expertise can be particularly valuable in navigating the complexities of traffic laws and crafting compelling arguments tailored to your case.

Here’s how Ticket Snipers can assist you:

Legal Expertise: Benefit from the knowledge and experience of traffic ticket experts who understand the nuances of California traffic laws and regulations.

Customized Defense: Receive a customized defense strategy tailored to the specifics of your case. Experts at Ticket Snipers can identify key points to strengthen your defense and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Documentation Assistance: Get help organizing and presenting your evidence effectively. Ticket Snipers can guide you on the types of documentation that may strengthen your case.

Seeking professional assistance can alleviate the stress of contesting a ticket and provide you with a higher level of confidence in the effectiveness of your defense.

  1. Submit the Declaration and Evidence

Prepare a package that includes your written statement, any supporting evidence, and a completed Trial by Written Declaration form. Ensure that everything is organized and clearly presented. Mail this package to the traffic court listed on your ticket before the specified deadline.

  1. Wait for the Court’s Decision

Once you’ve submitted your written declaration, the court will review your case. If the court finds in your favor, the ticket will be dismissed. If not, you still have the option to pursue other avenues, such as a traditional court trial.

Opting for a Trial by Written Declaration can be a convenient and effective way to contest a speed camera ticket without the need for a court appearance. It provides an opportunity to present your case in a thoughtful manner and increases the chances of a favorable outcome.

How to Increase Your Chances of Success

If you decide to contest a speed camera ticket, maximizing your chances of success is paramount. Here are some tips to enhance your defense:

  1. Thoroughly Document the Incident

Gather all relevant documents, including the ticket, any photos or videos of the incident, and any communication with traffic authorities. Having a well-documented case strengthens your position.

  1. Understand Local Laws and Regulations

Be well-versed in the specific traffic laws and regulations relevant to your case. Understanding the legal framework allows you to build a more effective defense.

  1. Seek Professional Assistance

Consulting with a Ticket Snipers traffic ticket expert can provide valuable insights into the legal aspects of your case. Ticket Snipers’ experienced professionals can guide you through the process and help you understand the best strategies for your defense.

  1. Present a Clear and Coherent Argument

Whether submitting a written declaration or appearing in court, presenting a clear and coherent argument is crucial. Clearly articulate your defense, addressing any relevant points and providing supporting evidence.

Your Path to Contesting a Speed Camera Ticket

Contesting a speed camera ticket in California requires a strategic approach, understanding the legal landscape, and being prepared to present a compelling defense. By opting for a Trial by Written Declaration, you can navigate the process without the need for a court appearance, making it a convenient option for many individuals.

As you embark on your journey to contest a speed camera ticket, remember the key steps:

Review the Ticket Thoroughly: Scrutinize the details for inaccuracies and discrepancies.

Understand the Evidence: Assess the accuracy and reliability of the evidence captured by the speed camera.

Prepare a Written Statement: Articulate your defense clearly and concisely in a well-structured written statement.

Submit the Declaration and Evidence: Organize your documentation and submit it to the traffic court before the specified deadline.

Wait for the Court’s Decision: Patience is key as the court reviews your case and makes a decision.

Remember, staying informed about the legality of speed cameras in California, city-specific regulations, and any recent changes in the law is crucial. Public awareness and advocacy efforts can also provide valuable context for your case.

In deciding whether it’s worth fighting a speeding ticket, weigh the financial considerations, potential impacts on insurance premiums and your driving record, and your confidence in the case. If you choose to contest, maximize your chances of success by thoroughly documenting the incident, understanding local laws, seeking professional legal advice, and presenting a clear and coherent argument.

Stay Informed About Traffic Safety Initiatives:

Keep abreast of traffic safety initiatives and programs in your area. Understanding the broader context of traffic safety can provide additional perspective for your case.

The Functionality of Speed Camera Systems in California: AB 645 and Enforcement in Select Cities

In an effort to enhance traffic safety, California introduced Assembly Bill 645 (AB 645), which empowers specific cities to deploy speed camera systems in targeted areas. As of 2023, the cities authorized under AB 645 include Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Long Beach, and Glendale. These cities are permitted to install speed cameras in designated zones such as school zones, high-injury networks, and areas prone to street racing.

Key Provisions of AB 645:

Authorized Cities: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Long Beach, and Glendale have the legislative authority to implement speed camera systems.

Designated Zones: The focus areas for speed camera deployment include school zones, high-injury networks, and locations known for street racing. These zones are carefully selected to address specific safety concerns and mitigate risks.

Fines for Speeding Violations: Drivers exceeding the speed limit in the designated camera zones face fines based on the severity of their violation. The fine structure is as follows:

$50 for traveling 11-15 miles per hour over the posted limit.

$500 for traveling 100 miles per hour over the limit.

Enforcement Mechanism: The speed camera system operates by capturing images or videos of vehicles exceeding the speed limit in the designated zones. Here’s an overview of how the enforcement mechanism works:

Automated Speed Detection: The system utilizes automated technology to detect and record the speed of passing vehicles. This may involve radar, LIDAR, or other advanced speed detection methods.

Image Capture: When a vehicle is detected exceeding the speed limit, the system captures images or videos that include the license plate, date, time, and location of the violation.

Violation Assessment: The captured data is then processed to identify instances of speeding violations. The system assesses the severity of each violation based on the recorded speed.

Issuance of Fines: Drivers found in violation receive fines according to the predetermined structure outlined in AB 645. The fines serve as both a deterrent and a means to fund ongoing traffic safety initiatives.

Pilot Program Requirements: As part of the pilot program under AB 645, cities must undertake public information programs before implementing speed cameras. This involves educating the public about the introduction of speed camera systems, their purpose, and the specific areas where they will be deployed. Public awareness is crucial to fostering compliance and understanding among drivers.

Plead Guilty and Pay Up

The Impact of AB 645 on Traffic Safety and Public Awareness

  1. Enhancing Traffic Safety:

The introduction of speed camera systems under AB 645 aims to enhance traffic safety in specific zones with a history of accidents, high pedestrian activity, or street racing. By targeting areas like school zones and high-injury networks, the legislation is designed to mitigate risks and reduce the likelihood of severe accidents.

  1. Reducing Speeding Incidents:

Speed cameras act as a deterrent to speeding, encouraging drivers to adhere to posted speed limits in designated areas. The potential fines associated with speeding violations serve as a financial disincentive, contributing to a reduction in speeding incidents and promoting safer driving behavior.

  1. Funding Traffic Safety Initiatives:

The fines collected from speeding violations play a crucial role in funding ongoing traffic safety initiatives. By reinvesting these funds into programs and infrastructure improvements, cities can further address the root causes of traffic-related issues and create safer road environments.

  1. Public Awareness Programs:

The requirement for cities to conduct public information programs before implementing speed cameras is a proactive measure to raise awareness and promote understanding among the public. These programs may include:

Community Outreach: Engaging with local communities to communicate the purpose of speed cameras and address any concerns or misconceptions.

Educational Campaigns: Disseminating information through various channels, including social media, local news, and community events, to educate drivers about the presence and purpose of speed cameras.

Signage: Clearly marking the entry points to designated speed camera zones with signage, providing advance notice to drivers.

  1. Evaluation and Adjustments:

The pilot nature of AB 645 allows for ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of speed camera systems. Cities can assess the impact on traffic safety, public compliance, and the success of public awareness programs. This flexibility enables authorities to make adjustments or refinements to the program based on real-world outcomes.

How Drivers Can Stay Informed and Compliant

  1. Stay Updated on Designated Zones:

Keep abreast of designated speed camera zones in your city. Stay informed about areas classified as school zones, high-injury networks, or locations susceptible to street racing. City websites, local news, or official communications can provide updated information on these zones.

  1. Observe Signage and Notifications:

Pay close attention to signage indicating the presence of speed cameras. Cities implementing speed camera systems are required to provide clear and visible signage at the entry points to designated zones. Observing these signs ensures that drivers are aware of the enhanced enforcement in specific areas.

  1. Take Advantage of Public Information Programs:

Participate in public information programs organized by cities before the implementation of speed cameras. These programs are designed to educate the public about the purpose of speed cameras, the designated zones, and the consequences of speeding violations. Attending informational sessions or accessing online resources can enhance your understanding.

  1. Regularly Check for Legislative Updates:

Stay informed about legislative updates related to speed cameras. As laws evolve, it’s essential to be aware of any changes that may impact the enforcement of speed limits and the associated fines. Regularly check official sources for the latest information on traffic regulations.

  1. Practice Safe Driving Habits:

While awareness of speed camera locations is crucial, practicing safe driving habits consistently is the most effective way to avoid fines and contribute to road safety. Adhering to posted speed limits, being attentive to traffic conditions, and respecting designated zones will help ensure a safe driving experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Get a Speeding Ticket by Camera in California?

Yes, speed cameras are used in certain areas of California to enforce traffic regulations. If you receive a speeding ticket from a camera, you have the option to contest it through legal means.

What Are the Criteria for Designating Speed Camera Zones Under AB 645?

AB 645 allows cities to designate speed camera zones in school zones, high-injury networks, and areas popular for street racing. These criteria are chosen to address specific safety concerns and promote safer driving behavior in areas with higher risks.

How Are Fines Determined for Speeding Violations?

Fines for speeding violations in speed camera zones are predetermined based on the severity of the violation. Drivers exceeding the speed limit by 11-15 miles per hour may face a $50 fine, while those exceeding the limit by 100 miles per hour may face a $500 fine.

Can Drivers Contest Speed Camera Tickets?

Yes, drivers have the right to contest speed camera tickets issued under AB 645. The process typically involves submitting a written declaration, presenting evidence, and articulating a defense. Exploring legal avenues is essential for individuals who believe they received a ticket unfairly.

What Public Information Programs Are Conducted Before Speed Camera Implementation?

Public information programs conducted before speed camera implementation aim to educate the community about the upcoming changes. These programs may include community meetings, informational materials distributed online and offline, and other outreach efforts to ensure that residents are aware of the new speed camera enforcement measures.

How Often Are Speed Cameras Evaluated for Effectiveness?

The evaluation frequency can vary, but speed camera programs are typically subject to regular assessments to gauge their effectiveness. Cities may review data on speeding incidents, accident rates, and public compliance. This ongoing evaluation allows for adjustments to the program based on real-world outcomes.

Are Speed Cameras Always Operational in Designated Zones?

Speed cameras may not be operational 24/7 in designated zones. Operational times can vary, and signage is typically posted to inform drivers of when speed cameras are actively enforcing speed limits. Drivers should be attentive to signage indicating operational hours.

Navigating Speed Camera Regulations in California

AB 645 represents a legislative effort to enhance traffic safety in specific areas of California through the deployment of speed camera systems. Drivers should stay informed about designated zones, observe signage, and participate in public information programs to ensure compliance with speed limits and avoid fines.

Understanding the criteria for designating speed camera zones, the fines associated with speeding violations, and the rights of drivers to contest tickets empowers individuals to navigate the road responsibly. As laws and regulations evolve, staying updated on legislative changes ensures that drivers remain aware of the latest developments in speed camera enforcement.

Remember, the primary goal of speed camera systems is to create safer road environments, reduce accidents, and encourage responsible driving behavior. By incorporating these considerations into your approach to driving, you contribute to the overall safety and well-being of both yourself and others on the road.

Legislative Developments: Empowering Cities for Enhanced Safety

In a move aimed at bolstering pedestrian safety and addressing concerns related to speeding, Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation permitting select cities in California to employ automated speed cameras. This development signals a departure from traditional methods of law enforcement, introducing a technological approach to tackling speeding violations.

The cities granted this authority, including San Francisco and Los Angeles, are positioned to implement speed camera systems strategically. These systems are often deployed in designated areas such as school zones, high-injury networks, and locations known for street racing. The goal is not only to penalize speeding drivers but also to create safer environments for both motorists and pedestrians.

Understanding the Legal Basis: AB 645

The legal foundation for the use of speed cameras in California can be traced to Assembly Bill 645 (AB 645), which provides the necessary framework for the deployment and operation of automated speed enforcement systems. This legislation outlines the criteria for implementing speed cameras, the designated zones where they can be used, and the fines associated with speeding violations captured by these systems.

AB 645 empowers cities to utilize technology as a tool for traffic law enforcement, acknowledging the role of automated systems in promoting adherence to speed limits and ultimately reducing the risks associated with speeding.

Fines for Speeding Violations Captured by Cameras

As part of the automated speed enforcement program, fines are imposed on drivers caught exceeding the speed limit in designated camera zones. The fines are structured based on the severity of the violation:

$50 for traveling 11-15 miles per hour over the posted limit.

$500 for traveling 100 miles per hour over the limit.

These fines serve both as a deterrent to speeding and as a means of funding ongoing traffic safety initiatives. The revenue generated is reinvested into programs aimed at further improving road safety and addressing the root causes of traffic-related issues.

Addressing Concerns and Seeking Assistance

While speed cameras serve as a technological tool to enforce traffic laws and improve safety, concerns may arise among drivers who receive tickets through automated means. Addressing these concerns is crucial for fostering understanding and cooperation between the public and law enforcement. Here are common concerns and considerations:

  1. Accuracy of Speed Cameras:

Concern: Drivers may question the accuracy of speed cameras, raising issues related to calibration and potential errors.

Response: The legislation governing speed cameras typically mandates regular calibration and maintenance to ensure accurate readings. Additionally, drivers have the right to contest tickets if they believe there are inaccuracies.

  1. Privacy Concerns:

Concern: Some individuals may express concerns about privacy infringements due to the use of cameras.

Response: Legal frameworks often include provisions to protect privacy rights, outlining the permissible use of cameras for traffic enforcement purposes only.

  1. Disputing Speed Camera Tickets:

Concern: Drivers may be unsure about their rights and options for disputing speed camera tickets.

Response: If you receive a speed camera ticket and wish to dispute it, you have the right to contest the violation. This may involve submitting a written declaration outlining your defense or seeking legal assistance.

Ticket Snipers can help provide peace of mind when challenging a speed camera ticket in California. As laws and technologies evolve, staying informed about your rights and options is essential when navigating the complexities of automated traffic enforcement.

Balancing Technology and Traffic Safety

While the use of speed cameras in California may initially raise questions, staying informed about your rights and the legal framework empowers you as a driver. Whether you choose to contest a speed camera ticket on your own or seek assistance from professionals like Ticket Snipers, understanding the process is key to making informed decisions.

As technology continues to play a role in traffic enforcement, the balance between innovation and individual rights remains paramount. By staying educated, advocating for transparency, and exercising your rights responsibly, you contribute to a safer and more collaborative road environment for all.

For those seeking additional support and expertise in navigating the legal intricacies of speed camera tickets, Ticket Snipers offer a valuable resource. Remember, the goal is not just to contest a ticket but to ensure that the methods employed for traffic enforcement are fair, accurate, and contribute to the overarching objective of enhancing road safety.

Empowering Drivers in California

California has embraced the innovative use of technology, notably through Assembly Bill 645 (AB 645). This legislation has paved the way for certain cities, including Los Angeles, Glendale, San Jose, Oakland, Long Beach and San Francisco to deploy speed cameras strategically. As we’ve explored the legal basis, recent developments, and the impact of AB 645, it’s essential to distill the key takeaways.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Legal Framework and Recent Legislation (AB 645): 

The legal foundations, with AB 645 emerging as the driving force behind the deployment of speed cameras. This legislation reflects a commitment to pedestrian safety and the adoption of technological solutions in traffic law enforcement.

  1. Purpose, Zones, and Enforcement Mechanism:

The dual purpose of speed cameras: to enforce laws and enhance safety. Understanding designated camera zones, the fines associated with violations, and the automated enforcement mechanism equips you with the knowledge needed for responsible driving.

  1. Concerns and Solutions:

We addressed common concerns regarding speed cameras, including accuracy and privacy. Legal frameworks and the option to dispute tickets provide avenues to address these concerns and ensure fair enforcement.

  1. Cities with Speed Cameras and the New Speed Camera Law:

We discussed the cities granted authority under AB 645, shedding light on where speed cameras are operational. This legislative shift in California aligns with a broader effort to leverage technology for enhanced traffic safety.

  1. Staying Informed and Compliant:

We emphasized the importance of staying informed about designated camera zones, observing signage, and adhering to posted speed limits. Public awareness and compliance contribute to the success of the speed camera program.

  1. Advantages of Contesting Speeding Tickets:

Exploring the advantages of contesting speed camera tickets provides an opportunity for drivers to present a compelling defense for dismissal. By understanding the process and potential inaccuracies, individuals can protect their driving records and insurance premiums.

As a driver in California, you have the right to contest a speed camera ticket. Understanding the nuances of the law, being aware of your rights, and navigating the process with confidence are crucial elements in this endeavor.

If you find the prospect of contesting a ticket daunting, or if you seek professional assistance in crafting a robust defense, leverage the expertise of Ticket Snipers. Ticket Snipers team of traffic ticket experts specializes in creating effective defenses tailored to your specific case.

Challenge your speed camera ticket with Ticket Snipers. Exercise your right to a fair and informed defense, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue on responsible driving and road safety.

Remember, staying informed empowers you on the road.

Your Options After Getting a Traffic Ticket

You should check the due date on the traffic ticket when it is mailed to you and act before that day. Here are some options you can consider before that:

Plead Guilty and Pay Up

You have the option of pleading guilty and paying. When sending your money to the court, you need to include a copy of the citation. You should attach proof of correction if the notice involves correctable actions, such as expired registration. If the error has not been fixed, you should go to court to establish how much of a fine you will have to pay.

Also, your driver’s license might be revoked due to a traffic offense. Your insurance prices or driving rights may be affected if you have a clean driving record; your driving privileges may be suspended if you have several crimes. If you pay the fine instead of going to court, you will avoid having to appear in court, especially if the ticket involved alcohol, speeding, or dangerous driving. You will be forced to appear in court if you are involved in an accident.

If you are unable to pay the whole sum due to a financial issue, you should request a payment plan, a decrease in the amount listed for your conviction, or even community service during your court appearance.

Appear in Court To Request a Trial

You are commonly not required to present in court or request a trial. But you can also contact the court before the deadline and request a written declaration—often known as a trial by mail or a request for a judicial officer trial. You will be granted your wish if you choose a court officer to try you. On the day of the hearing, however, the identity of the judicial officer will be revealed.

Unless you choose an in-person trial, the officer who issued the citation will not be present in court. After a trial date is set, the officer will be contacted to appear. You will either be found guilty or not guilty after the trial. In case you are found guilty, you may face further fines as well as the suspension of your driving rights for at least thirty days.

Go To Traffic School

If you qualify for traffic school, the court will give you instructions that you must follow.

If you attend traffic school, your record will remain clean. If you are having financial difficulties, you can request a fee reduction for traffic school.

You’ll have to pay an administrative charge as well as the whole fine. You can choose which traffic school you want to attend and pay the tuition.

You can also take a course online. After you’ve completed the course, you’ll submit the certificate, and your file will be kept private unless you commit another infraction within the next 18 months. If you’re not paying the whole fine, your case will be turned over to a collection agency, and your traffic school certificate will become void.

Who Is Eligible For Traffic School?

Do you have any doubts about whether you’ll be able to complete traffic school? The following factors determine whether or not you are eligible for California traffic school:

  • A valid driver’s license is required.
  • You must not have gone to traffic school in the previous 18 months.
  • Your traffic ticket must be for a moving violation.
  • All fees need to be paid to the court.

It is important to know that completing traffic school does not result in the ticket being dismissed for those who are eligible. The California Department of Motor Vehicles will be notified of your conviction, but if you have a noncommercial driver’s license, however, the DMV may choose to keep the conviction private, so it does not appear on your driving record. The conviction will be displayed on your driving record if you have a business driver’s license, but the DMV may choose not to consider it as a violation point.

Note: If you qualify for traffic school and decide not to go, your car insurance may be adversely affected.

Request a Trial By Written Declaration

According to section 40902 of the Vehicle Code, you and your citing officer may submit written testimony and evidence instead of appearing in court to defend your charge. To employ this process, you must first post the bail amount and submit your traffic ticket defense using the court form TR-205 for a Trial By Written Declaration. You can submit the documents in person or by mail. If you’re found not guilty, the bail will be refunded to you. If you are found guilty, you can still fight the infraction further by appearing in person at court.

Produce a Proof of Correction

Following §40610 of the California Vehicle Code, some infringements may be rectifiable and qualify for reduced bail. If you are eligible to show evidence of correction, a charge of $25.00 for each violation will be assessed. If you do not have proper proof of correction, your bail will not be reduced.

Fight The Traffic Ticket

You should definitely consider appealing the ticket if you have a valid defense, especially if you are not eligible for traffic school and have past tickets on your record. Accepting it could result in higher insurance costs and a license suspension.

California speed camera
Is It Worth Fighting a Traffic Ticket In California?


In most cases your traffic ticket will be dismissed with our legal experts.

You have nothing to lose besides your traffic ticket and the hassle of going to court multiple times.

A traffic ticket is always worth contesting if you feel the violation has been issued in error or you have points on your driver’s license which will result in higher insurance premiums.

Avoid the points and hassle of attending court by using Ticket Snipers to dismiss your alleged speed camera violation.

How To Fight a Traffic Ticket in California

Proving your vehicles wasn’t traveling the alleged speed listed on the citation can dismiss the citation. This can be difficult to accomplish without a specific skill set because you’ll need proof and/or witnesses to persuade a judge to rule in your favor.

In most cases, you’ll go to court and present your case before a judge. If the officer who issued your traffic ticket fails to show up for your court appearance, the charge may be automatically dismissed. Otherwise, the judge will consider both your and the officer’s evidence before making a decision.

By filling out a Request for Trial by Written Declaration and attaching written statements from yourself and your witnesses, you may be able to avoid coming to court. The judge can then either accept or reject your argument based on the documents submitted. You can request an in-person court date if your argument is refused.

Do you want to dismiss a traffic ticket? At Ticket Snipers, we offer comprehensive and trustful options to fight any speeding ticket. We are California’s best way to fight a traffic ticket as We’ve helped dismiss 1000’s traffic tickets for Californians, with a high success rate to boot.

What Happens If You Ignore a Traffic Ticket?

Your problem will only become worse if you ignore (or do not respond to) your ticket. Your fine will rise, and you may face extra penalties.

You can petition the court to examine your ability to pay if you can demonstrate to the court that paying the ticket will put you or your family in financial hardship. In circumstances of financial difficulty, you can still contact your court for an ability-to-pay assessment if your case is in collections. The court may decide to lower the amount of the fine or fee, accept a payment plan, or mandate community service after examining your case. However, not all courts will provide all of these choices, and not all fines or fees will be eligible for ability-to-pay determinations. The court may also rule that you owe the whole amount.

If You Do Not Go To Court On Your Court Date

If this happens, your driver’s license may be suspended, and you may face further fines. Failure to appear in court is referred to as “failure to appear” (FTA). You can be declared as guilty of a new felony if you break your written agreement to appear in court, which you signed when you received your ticket.

NOTE: You may not need to appear if you contacted the court prior to your “Notice to Appear” date to handle the ticket and took action on it (e.g., pled guilty and paid, sought an arraignment date, posted bond, and requested a trial without arraignment, or requested a trial by declaration). Make sure to confirm with the court that your appearance is not required when you speak with them.

If you fail to appear, a “civil assessment” of up to $300 may be added to your fine; you may be found guilty in your absence; your case may be referred for collection, or the court may issue an arrest warrant for you. For “failure to appear,” the court can punish you with a misdemeanor or an infraction. If you receive a “civil assessment” but have “good reason” for not appearing in court or paying your fine, you may be eligible to have it canceled if you ask the court in a timely manner.

If You Do Not Pay The Fine

Your driver’s license may be suspended if you do not pay your fine within the time frame set by the court. It’s also possible that you won’t be able to renew your vehicle’s registration.

If you do not pay your fine when you ought to, a “civil assessment” of up to $300 may be added to your fine, your case may be submitted for collection—or the court may issue an arrest warrant for you. For “failure to pay,” the court can charge you with a misdemeanor or infraction. You will avoid these additional fines if you appear in court to reply to your ticket. It will also provide you the chance to present the court with any financial hardship or ability to pay difficulties you may have. Remember, even if your case has been committed to collections, you can request an ability-to-pay determination at any time.

If you receive a “civil assessment” but have “good reason” for not appearing in court or paying your fine, you may be eligible to have it canceled if you ask the court in a timely manner.

Want to dismiss
your Traffic Ticket?

California Traffic Tickets Fines and Penalties

When you think about traffic violations in California, you’re usually thinking of minor infractions with minor ramifications. However, this isn’t always the case. The costs and penalties you incur if you receive a California traffic ticket might have a long-term impact. A traffic ticket will almost certainly result in you having to pay hefty monetary fines, but it will also have an influence on your driving record and may result in a rise in your auto insurance rates.

You should not admit to the violation if you receive a traffic ticket. You could contact an experienced traffic ticket lawyer or let us handle all the problems you’re facing at Ticket Snipers, where you’ll get a professional team with the best customer service in fighting a traffic ticket.

Additional Surcharges

All traffic citations in California are subject to a 20% fee for all drivers – no exclusions. In addition, you’ll have to pay $40 in court fees and $35 for your conviction assessment. Additional fees may apply to some drivers, including:

  • 70% of your basic fine assessed by the court.
    Assessment of State Penalties (100% of your base fine).
  • $1 for a night court assessment.
  • Penalty for DNA Identification Fund (40% of your basic fine).
  • Assessment of a State Court Construction Penalty (50% of your base fine).
  • Penalty for Emergency Medical Services ($4).

How Traffic Tickets Affect Insurance Premiums

Camera speeding tickets, unfortunately, come with more than just city and state fines. Depending on your insurance carrier, you may also see a rise in your premium. While some firms may forgive first-time offenders, you won’t know this until after you’ve committed the crime. Drivers under the age of 40 will see a greater price hike than those over 40. Reckless drivers, regardless of age, may expect to pay hundreds of dollars more every year in insurance.

Auto Insurance Rate Increases

According to our examination of a three-state sample, speeding tickets hike rates by 21.2 percent on average. Other factors, such as driving record, how fast you were going, and which company covers your car, can influence how much a ticket affects your insurance pricing.

Other factors, such as your driving record, how fast you were going, and which company covers your automobile, can influence how much a ticket affects your insurance pricing.

Penalties For Misdemeanor Driving Violations

Jail time, fines, restitution (reimbursement) to a victim for property loss, and the suspension or revocation of one’s license are all possible penalties. Criminal traffic violations are recorded on a person’s criminal record. Minor violations, as well as felony traffic offenses, can be recorded on a driver’s record.


The California DMV Point System

All issued tickets will come with a financial penalty, and the fines in California are among the highest in the country, ranging from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars. Some tickets will also result in you receiving points on your record. While non-moving offenses and failed equipment do not result in a penalty, moving violations result in a penalty of one or two points, depending on the infringement. The following are the penalties in general:

Types of Violations

1 - Point Violations

Speeding, running a red light, making an improper lane change, or being at fault in an accident will all result in one point being added to your record.

2 - Point Violations

Speeding more than 25 miles per hour over the speed limit, committing a hit-and-run, driving recklessly—or while under the influence of alcohol/ drugs—or driving while your license is suspended or revoked will result in 2 points more directly to your record.

You’re risking having your license suspended if you accumulate too many points. For these point totals, the California DMV may suspend your license for six months: four points in a 12-month period, six points in a 24-month period, and eight points in a 36-month period.

Removing Points With Traffic School

Attending an approved traffic school can help you avoid receiving points on your driver’s license. By successfully completing traffic school, drivers who have received one point on their driver’s license owing to an eligible moving offense can have the charges of the ticket disguised and the point removed from their record. If the ticket contains two points, is a misdemeanor—involves alcohol, or was committed while driving a commercial vehicle for work—in this case, attending traffic school is unlikely to result in the charges being dismissed, and you’ll need to contact the court for more information. You won’t be eligible for traffic school if you’ve already completed a course for another ticket within the last 18 months.

Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Points

If you are a driver with a commercial driver’s license, your driving standards are significantly higher. Points and traffic offenses might jeopardize your career and CDL.

A CDL violation is worth 112 points more than a regular driver’s license infraction. Furthermore, these tickets linger on your driving record for far longer. Consider the following scenario:

  • A conviction for DUI or hit-and-run will stay on your record for 55 years.
  • For a period of ten years, an out-of-service infraction remains in effect.
  • A collision on your record will be on your record for ten years.
  • For a period of four years, a train crossing infraction exists.

How To Remove Points From Driving Record In California

Drivers in California might lose their licenses for a variety of reasons. First, if you get too many points for traffic offenses, you’ll be labeled a careless driver, and as a result, your license will be suspended or revoked. You may also be sentenced to a year of probation. You are a careless driver if you do the following:
  • Four points in a year.
  • In just 24 months, you’ve gained 6 points.
  • In 36 months, you’ve gained 8 points.


Am I eligible to fight my traffic ticket by written declaration?

“If you have been charged with a traffic infraction or a violation of a local ordinance adopted under the Vehicle Code, you can request a trial by written declaration unless you were issued a ticket for an offense involving alcohol or drugs or the violation that requires a mandatory appearance in court,” says Section 40902 of the California Vehicle Code.

As a result, if you have gotten a traffic infraction ticket, such as speeding, failing to stop at a stop sign, or stopping at a red light, you can contest your penalty through a written declaration trial. You must, however, present in court if your case includes the use of drugs or alcohol.

Do I need to pay bail to have a trial by written declaration?


Section 40902 of the Vehicle Code allows a defendant to contest a citation in writing rather than in person in the courtroom. This is known as a written declaration trial, which requires a full bail.

What is the difference between penalties and tickets?

Unlike fines, penalties are usually the same regardless of where you are in the state. This simply implies that the penalty will apply to you regardless of the county you live in. This can entail your license being suspended or revoked, as well as points being added to your record. If the driver simply has a permit and not a Class A CDL, they will face different penalties. A CDL driver will typically pay a considerably greater charge for tickets and other fees. The quantity of points added to your record if you are convicted of a traffic offense is determined by how severe the violation was. Fortunately, if you complete traffic or driving school, the points may be waived.

Does my insurance go up if I get a Traffic ticket?

Yes, speeding fines are likely to increase the amount you pay for vehicle insurance. Tickets for speeding are recorded on your driving record. Insurance firms can look up your driving record and use the information to help assess your risk of being part of an accident or filing a claim.

We know getting a traffic ticket is no pleasant experience; this is why we help you through it, to avoid all the inconvenience it may bring. The California Traffic Ticket System is a complex world, and this ultimate guide is made to give you an overall idea of what you may face in CA regarding speeding tickets. Ticket Snipers is your team if you ever find yourself in this type of situation. Trust our experience and professionalism. We got you; We will fight any ticket!

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