Overtaking or passing another vehicle at a crosswalk | CVC § 21951
If you received a citation for CVC 21951 the fines is over $400 and a point on your driving record
An officer could have made a mistake or not had a clear line of sight simultaneously with your vehicle, crosswalk and the other vehicle required to prove the alleged violation occurred.
We are experts in challenging traffic violations in the State of California and can dismiss your alleged crosswalk citation.
Our team of legal experts can fight your traffic ticket with more knowledge and success than a high priced so-called “traffic ticket lawyer”, at a much lower cost than an attorney or the fines and assessments associated with the violation. Why? Because our professionals specialize in fighting traffic tickets, and only fighting traffic tickets.
That’s all we do is challenge California traffic tickets. Since 2008, our traffic ticket experts have successfully disputed more than 15,000 California traffic tickets issued under almost every California Vehicle Code, including CVC 21951.
With years of experience, our specialists have seen almost every scenario possible. In fact, we would be surprised if your situation hasn’t come across our desk.
California Vehicle Code § 21951 states:
Whenever any vehicle has stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway the driver of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle.