If you are involved in an automobile accident in California, your insurance rates could drastically increase according to a new study. A study conducted by InsuranceQuotes revealed that a driver who makes just one claim against his or her automobile insurance could see an increase in insurance rates by 41% or more. According to the results of the study, California drivers can expect to see an increase in their automobile insurance rates of 86% if they file a bodily injury claim against their insurance policy. California held the number one spot for the highest increase in insurance rates following a claim for bodily injury.One of the reasons that the percentages of change vary has to do with the specific insurance companies quoting fees. Insurance companies are not required to offer the same rates; therefore, there is competition in the insurance industry to attract customers with lower insurance rates. However, some states have stricter regulations for the calculation of insurance rates that effect how insurance companies must quote insurance rates. California requires insurance companies to base rates on only three factors: driving record, annual mileage and driving experience. A claim for bodily injury negatively affects one-third of the factors causing a severe increase in insurance rates.If you do not fight your traffic ticket, you could face a large fine and increased automobile insurance rates. Before you decide to pay your fine, contact Ticket Snipers now for more information about fighting your ticket. With a money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose.
California Traffic Tickets Raise Insurance Rates
Getting a traffic ticket in California will also raise your insurance rates very quickly. Depending on the traffic violation, you could see a rise in your automobile insurance rates by twenty percent or more according to one report. For example, the report found that a traffic ticket for reckless driving could result in a 22% increase in insurance rates. On the other hand, a seat belt traffic ticket only increased rates by 3%. However, any increase in automobile insurance rates can have devastating results on a person’s budget.The best way to avoid an increase in your insurance rates is to fight your California traffic ticket. By fighting the traffic ticket, you may be able to have the charge dismissed entirely or at least reduced to a lesser charge. A lesser charge may not affect your automobile insurance rates. In either case, you will be saving money by fighting your California traffic ticket.
Have You Received a California Traffic Ticket?
If you have received a California traffic ticket, we are here to help you 24/7. We understand that you do not have time to fight a traffic ticket so we take the stress and frustration out of dealing with a traffic ticket. Our traffic ticket dismissal service aggressively fights on your behalf to dismiss your California traffic ticket. Our team of professionals work hard to keep you out of traffic court. Contact Ticket Snipers as soon as possible after receiving a California traffic ticket so we can begin working immediately on your behalf.