Electronic Insurance Cards are now available in California
A piece of paper of insurance proof is not the only option anymore to use when getting pulled over by a law enforcement officer with, Assembly Bill 1708 signed by Governor Jerry Brown it allows motorists and insurers the choice to show insurance coverage via their smartphone or other mobile electronic device. With the passing of this bill
law enforcement is looking into the future with how prevalent smartphones have become in the world.
California is the seventh state in the country to pass this bill along with Arizona, Idaho, Colorado, Louisiana, Minnesota and Alabama with many more states making the move, the number has risen to 24 states. States like Florida, Illinois, Missouri and Wisconsin are awaiting signatures from their governors to pass the bill. Bills are still moving through legislatures in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
How do I Provide Proof of Insurance to the Officer?
The questions many individuals are asking is what exactly are we showing an officer? California’s law simply reads, “Evidence of financial responsibility may be provided using a mobile electronic device.” In an article by Toups, when speaking to a California Highway Patrol officer, the preference is an “official-looking proof of insurance, such as a PDF or an insurance card downloaded from your insurer’s mobile application.” The law however does not specifically exclude a picture of the insurance ID card stored on the phone and should be accepted by officers as a valid proof of auto insurance.Don’t be tempted to show invalid insurance or faking an insurance card it is a crime and can lead to time in prison or a fine of $10,000. Real-time verification systems allow law enforcement officers to check for insurance coverage using the car’s license plate on the spot.
Going Green is Good For Everyone
Going green and paperless is the new goal for many auto insurance companies in the Digital Age. Not only is it beneficial for the environment and trees, but also with the new age of technology and the continuous evolution that keeps happening, everyone is using an electronic device for everything and many companies are jumping on and creating apps to assist their customers. The providers who are not high tech enough to offer a mobile app yet, still have options as; you can get a paperless ID via PDF or an emailed version.

Providing electronic proof there is no risk of losing your card or having to carry it around
Finally, online services do not take time out from your day when replacing lost cards, no need of making appointments or heading to the location which is a timesaving initiative for many on the go people.In conclusion, proof of insurance via electronically is the new wave for many providers and for the Digital Age that keeps evolving everyday with new technology and opportunities. More states will adopt this new bill in the coming years and join the movement for the green initiative. Many individuals will be providing proof of insurance via the smartphone, or other mobile device option, phones are used for everything.