Did you ever wonder how government officials decide how long a yellow light should last before turning to red? The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) publishes guidelines that are used by traffic engineers in California and throughout the United States to set the timing of traffic lights. The timing of yellow lights has been a highly debated issue because some say that shorter yellow lights contribute to increased red light camera revenue, as drivers do not have sufficient time to stop when they see a light turn yellow based on posted speed limits preceding the intersection.
The ITE has proposed changes to the formula for setting yellow lights that would give drivers more time to stop thereby reducing the number of California traffic tickets issued for running red lights. According to a report by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), “Increasing the yellow change interval to the duration calculated by current ITE guidelines has been shown to reduce red-light running occurrences between 36 and 50 percent.”In Santa Clarita, an experiment was conducted whereby the yellow time was increased at various red light camera intersections. The experiment revealed that the timing increase decreased the number of red light tickets. According to an article in TheNewspaper, “The increased timing proved so effective that the photo ticketing program transformed overnight from a moneymaker issuing $5 million worth of tickets annually to a money loser issuing just $1.3 million worth.” After paying costs for the red light cameras, the city lost money.
If you have received a California traffic ticket for running a red light, we are here to help you 24/7. Our traffic ticket dismissal service aggressively fights on your behalf to dismiss your traffic ticket. With a money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Before you decide to pay your fine, contact Ticket Snipers now for more information about fighting your ticket.
California Adopts Recommendation for Longer Yellow Lights
According to new laws, the minimum timing of yellow lights must be increased by 0.5 second and local governments can no longer reduce the yellow light time on turn signals to 3.0 seconds. It has been established that having short times for yellow lights increases the red light camera revenue for many jurisdictions. However, this can also increase the risk of accidents for drivers. Any intersection with a red light camera must have yellow light times that comply with the new rules on or before August 1. Other intersections must comply with the new rules by August 2017.
For anyone who has received a red light traffic ticket, they understand how frustrating, costly and inconvenient red light tickets can be for drivers. Many red light tickets are issued in error, which makes matters even worse. Before you plead guilty to a red light ticket, contact Ticket Snipers to discuss your options for fighting a California traffic ticket. Fighting a traffic ticket is in your best interest.
Our team of professionals work hard to keep you out of traffic court. Contact Ticket Snipers as soon as possible after receiving a California traffic ticket so we can begin working immediately on your behalf.