Can I Get a California Traffic Ticket for Driving with the Flow of Traffic?
California traffic tickets cost over 6 million people large fines each year. During the past decade, the state has increased the fines for traffic tickets substantially. The total cost of a California speeding ticket could easily total $500 to $600 or even more. Unfortunately, the cost of a speeding ticket is not limited to the fines. Speeding ticket convictions cause drivers to pay higher insurance rates as well. The cost of a California speeding ticket continues long after the driver pays the fine. If you have received California traffic ticket for speeding, contact Ticket Snipers now for more information about fighting your ticket. With a money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose.
Being Ticketed for Driving with the Flow of Traffic
According to the National Motorists Association, the state where drivers are most likely to receive a speeding ticket is Florida. California was the 14th state on the list so your chance of being issued a speeding ticket in California is high if you are exceeding the speed limit. Does this apply when the flow of traffic is exceeding the speed limit?You are driving on the interstate and the flow of traffic is moving much faster than the posted speed limit. You are simply keeping up with the flow of traffic when you are pulled over by a police officer for speeding. Will you receive a speeding ticket? It is a popular belief that you will not receive a California speeding ticket if you are driving with the flow of traffic — this is incorrect.
People who assume that “keeping up with the flow of traffic” will not result in a speeding ticket if traffic is traveling faster than the posted speed limit are in for a big surprise if they are pulled over. The posted speed limit is “the speed limit” regardless of the average speed of traffic or other drivers. Exceeding the speed limit is against the law, period.
Trying to use the “flow of traffic” argument is not a good idea and it will not prevent you from receiving a speeding ticket. In fact, it could be considered an admission of guilt because you are acknowledging that traffic was moving faster than the posted speed limit and you were keeping up with traffic. Police officers do not want to listen to “excuses” when it is clear that the driver was speeding. If you are apologetic (without admitting to the speeding charge) and polite, you have a better chance of avoiding a California speeding ticket or receiving a speeding ticket for a lower charge.Arguing that you were traveling with the flow of traffic is not a good defense before a judge either. It is better to retain our company to fight your speeding ticket. There are several effective defenses to fight speeding tickets such as challenging the reading of a radar gun or the validity of the traffic stop.
Have You Received a California Speeding Ticket?
If you have received a California traffic ticket, we are here to help you 24/7. We understand that you do not have time to fight a traffic ticket so we take the stress and frustration out of dealing with a traffic ticket. Our traffic ticket dismissal service aggressively fights on your behalf to dismiss your California traffic ticket. Our team of professionals work hard to keep you out of traffic court. Contact Ticket Snipers as soon as possible after receiving a California traffic ticket so we can begin working immediately on your behalf.