California Red Light Camera Yellow Light Intervals
Nothing says surprise like checking your mailbox and finding an red light violation
Red light cameras are a hot topic of much debate. Many drivers would argue that red light cameras are a massive money trap. Others would say that red light cameras save resources.
Simple rule of thumb for yellow light interval lengths is 1/10 of a second for every MPH on the posted speed limit. For instance the minimum yellow light interval for a 35 MPH roadway would be at least 3.5 seconds.
If you believe the yellow light interval was shorten your probley right and the violation should be contested.
Red light cameras are in place throughout some of the busiest cities in California, one of which is Fremont.
In 2015, yellow light times increased from 4.0 seconds to 4.7 seconds, lower than what the state law required in 2015.
Then in February of 2016, yellow light times reduced back to 4.0 seconds, only to have yellow light times return to 4.7 seconds in November 2016.
The unintentional shortening of yellow times at intersections help create an extra $200,000 in revenue every month in suburbs around Fremont by the city’s private ticketing vendor, Redflex Traffic Systems.
Affect of yellow light timing shortages on red light camera tickets increases the volume of $500 violation significanty.
Although a quarterly inspection is in place for police officers and public works staff to monitor signal timing at the red light camera intersections, the increase managed to go undetected for eight months.
An investigation behind the yellow light times would ensue pointing that several key factors such as navigation apps, traffic growth, rebound effect, and seasonal variations contribute to roller coaster spikes in red light tickets.
Yellow-light timing deemed to be correct, above, and beyond the minimum standard at 4.7 seconds changed yet again back to 4.0 seconds, even with a current low level of red light violations.
Many scream corruption with dropping the yellow light timing as it expects to produce an additional $2.4 million in revenue that plays an important factor in budget plans.
Fremont employees rank as highest paid in the nation. The contractual relationship between Fremont and Redflex expires at the end of June.
What is the Red Light violation?
In the U.S. when a vehicle passed an intersection and a signal turns red, a violation does not take place. However, if a vehicle enters the intersection and the light is red, a violation occurs.
What is the penalty for a Red Light violation?
- The penalty for a red light violation can add up to $500 dollars and one point against a driver’s license.
How to avoid a Red Light violation?
- Prepare for a driver by leaving on time.
- When a sign is present, do not get tempted.
- Even if a driver following ahead makes an irrational decision, do not follow.
- Always travel at the required, posted speed limits.
- Do not rubberneck another vehicle.
- If a driver decides to change lanes, do so prior to coming to an intersection.
- Pay attention at all times
- Reduce speed and make plans to stop before coming to an intersection.
Every second counts
A driver cannot predict nor expect another driver’s behavior or patterns. It is best to make the right choice and choose wisely by slowing down and stopping.
Continuous efforts monitoring extended yellow times are imperative in successful red light programs. Regular scheduled maintenance would identify any discrepancies in yellow light timing.
From an engineering standpoint, the city has to employ proper persons to oversight the red light camera programs. In addition, effective management of monies collected in the red light programs can go towards providing a solution based effort into road issues.
Money generated from red light programs is beneficial. If you’ve received a red light traffic violation, we want to remove the alleged violation from your permanent driving record.
Call our traffic ticket experts to see how we can assist you with your red light traffic ticket.