California’s Gas Tax Increase Will Be Rolled Out Slowly
Picture the powerful executive, single parent, small business owner, or retired senior daily schedule on the road. Many commute long distance on the busy highways of California. Californians commute an average of 27 minutes a day one way. Los Angeles County, Madera County, and Butte County to a name a couple, are counties with the longest commute, more than fifty minutes one way. San Bernardino and Siskiyou County are just two that have shorter commute times at twenty minutes or less, mostly those in Northern California.
Recent events in the world that affect the collection, safe storage, and distribution of gasoline have made every driver reconsider alternative modes of transportation.
Public transportation in California is widely used at a recorded 5.1% and one of the most common forms of transportation. In addition, about 2.8% residents choose to walk to selected destinations depending on the locations. Lastly, about 1% of people ride a bike proving California of the top ten states with the longest commute times.
Statewide Gas Tax Has Many Wondering When Enough is Enough
On September 25, 2017, a superior court judge, Timothy M. Frawley, discovered several California officials being deceitful in an attempt to discourage registered voters from blocking a statewide increase on gasoline tax at the ballots. Judge Timothy M. Frawley took additional measures by re-writing the summary information for the ballot proposal to provide clarity. Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s draft version of the summary information did not provide gas tax opponents, such as Assemblyman Travis Allen with the opportunity to dispute. The draft version intentionally written by Attorney General Becerra to mislead California voters in agreeing with Governor Jerry Brown’s 52 million-gas tax increase is no longer an option.Back in April of this year, state legislature moved forward to enact legislation by raising gas taxes by 12 cents per gallon and raising the annual vehicle registration fee anywhere from $53 to $175 dollars max per year. This places an automatic increase according to the annual inflation rate over the next ten years. Shortly, thereafter in May, Allen introduced a ballot, in which he would need 365,880 signatures that would oppose the tax jump with state-approved language.
Gas Hike Should Help Improve the Roadways
The state-approved language did not fly with colors, while Judge Frawley agreed that Attorney General Becerra’s summary was ambiguous, confusing, and deceptive. He concluded that registered voters would not typically have an understanding of the language used without some questions. Bias in the language used by Beccera, such as, not stating taxes or fees, do not provide an insight of the initiatives goal. However, Judge Thawley did find Allen’s language for the referendum easily distinguished and direct as to the actions it would accomplished. Beccera is permitted by the courts some leeway in mentioning parts of reduced funding as long as it was factual and unbiased.The executive, single parent, small business owner, or retired senior commute, taxes, as well insurance fees in the beautiful city should be in consideration when drafting of ballots. Language on ballots should provide voters with educated information to base a vote on without a deceitful play in words. On average, Californians spend about $3.036 on a gallon of gas giving California second place with the state with the highest gas prices. A 52 million-gas tax increase can result in hard economic times and cause undue duress. Even if voters choose to use other modes of transportation, some of them are gasoline required. In addition, others may not be able to afford public transportation because it is simply out of the budget or not provided in a frequently traveled area. Social and economic issues are driven when people cannot find means. The last thing needed is an outpour of the wrong things occurring simply because drivers cannot afford gas to provide them with a means of financial support. Everyone wants a win-win situation but at what cost.