Red Light Camera Tickets Are Predatory & Pricey
We’ve dismissed over 15,000 statewide
You can avoid unnecessary complications by having your traffic violation dismissed and erased from your permanent record.
Suppose you end up receiving a red light camera ticket in California what are you the next steps you’re supposed to take?
Red Light Camera Violations Should Always be challenged due to nature in which the “digital” evidence is collected.
Traffic officers have installed red light cameras in various street intersections throughout California. Police officers do not need to be present to issue a red light camera ticket. They can easily give traffic offense tickets to any lawbreakers with the use of cameras.
Law enforcement’s primary objective of using red light cameras is to reduce the number of accidents caused by out of control drivers. But what happens if you barely miss the light are receive a massive fine to pay without causing harm to your fellow motorist?
Is It Possible To Beat An Alleged Red Light Camera Violation?
All types of tickets—speeding, parking violations, etc—can be beaten in traffic court, including red light camera traffic tickets.
When you receive a red light camera ticket, first, you should confirm the date the violation occurred and then check the date the ticket when it was signed.
In the state of California, rules state that the ticket must be brought to the registered owner of the car within fifteen days of the unproven violation. Running a red light can cost you about $500 for a fine, as well as a mandatory order to attend traffic school. It will also reflect on your driving record if there are too many points.
Wait for a Notice to Arrive Before Acting
The traffic ticket, or more accurately called the “notice”, is usually mailed by the law enforcement agency the same day it is signed, and it takes one or two days to reach the registered owner of the vehicle.
You can easily beat your red light ticket if the period of time exceeds fifteen days because the notice fails to comply with the California Vehicle Code requirements. This rule applies only to registered owners. If you get the ticket notice after fifteen days and you are not the registered owner, the registered owner will have revealed your identity. Therefore, you will not be successful if you use this as your argument.
It is important to read the mail carefully after you get the ticket. Some court information may be missing, or you will be instructed not to contact the court.
What Are The Consequences Of Ignoring Real Red Light Camera Tickets?
Responding to your tickets or notices on time is always recommended. It isn’t just about the base fines for any traffic signal violation. Some consequences for those who do not respond to a red light camera ticket include higher insurance rates, license suspension and additional fines. These tickets contain the date that you are supposed to respond and the name of the court.
You can confirm the ticket by looking up the citation number on the court’s website. When looking it up, you should keep in mind that some red light tickets have not yet been filled with the court.
Don’t let your driving record be tarnished and become a heavy weight to drag and risk the additional penalties. Make sure you follow the instructions for your payment method provided and respond to it on the appearance date or due date that is indicated on your ticket.
Are You Worried About Photo And Video Evidence?
In court, you can argue that the videos and photographs made from the red light camera program cannot be trusted because they are prepared for by a third party company.
A red light violation happens when you run a red traffic light at an intersection and a camera or sensor detects it. The system then records a photo of your license plate and the driver of the vehicle. Without any one of these pieces of photo evidence, the case against you is weak.
To view the photographic evidence, call the law enforcement agency that issued the traffic violation. This is important to note because the documents that are prepared can be biased and untrustworthy because the individuals who prepare them know that there is an impending court action, and they can frame the video or the photographs so that they can use them as leverage in the day of the hearing.
You can object to use video footage and photographs as evidence. The photos should not be trusted completely. California vehicle code requires the government agency utilizing the red light camera system to post signs within two hundred feet of the intersection.
If you notice enforcement signs are not within 200 feet of the intersection, an argument can be presented challenging the validity of a camera ticket in efforts of dismissal.
Photo enforcement signs must be posted, and should be in line with the regulations that are provided by the Department of Transportation’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Requirements include legibility, adequateness and visibility. Signs should be legible to all drivers and easy to locate. If a sign fails to follow the above-mentioned requirements, it will not be considered to provide adequate notice, and therefore your case can be dismissed.
Do I Need Help To Fight A Red Light Camera Ticket?
If you are planning to fight a red light camera ticket, an expert from Ticket Sniper will come in handy.
Legal experts know how to challenge any red light camera ticket if you were not the one driving the vehicle at the violation time. For example, if a police officer issued you a red light ticket for speeding, there are several ways to defend yourself in court. If the yellow light did not last a minimum of 3 seconds and were within the speed limit, you may be able to have your ticket dismissed. Or your license plate number is not clearly visible on the photo or video footage.
The judge may ask you to disclose the identity of the person in the video or photograph, but this is not a legal requirement. A legal expert would know what your rights are and should guide you through the court proceedings so that your red light camera ticket, parking ticket, or any traffic ticket can be dismissed.